This section contains common questions related to Lattice Social.

Yes, account registration is required to use Lattice Social.

First, check your spam folder. If you still do not see an email from Lattice Social, please contact support at

There are a few reasons you may not be able to register an account on the app:
  • Your username is taken, uses special characters other than “-” or “_” , or is not a minimum of 3 characters.
  • You may also encounter issues if your email address is not a valid email address or your email address is already registered with an account.
If you still cannot register for Lattice Social, please contact support at

Yes, you can do this by navigating to the settings page, then clicking the ‘Account’ button.

Profile privacy settings can be found in the privacy page on the settings menu.

You can view the likers of a post by holding the like button.

You can post a story by holding the check-in button.

You can edit or delete one of your posts by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the post to show the options menu.

This can be done by clicking the edit button on the top right of your profile or by navigating to the settings and selecting the edit profile.

This is where you can choose to post to make a post to your profile or to a specific circle. If you post to your profile, the post will be viewable to all users if you are a public profile or only to your followers if you are a private profile.

Refining the location allows you to select an existing location, but choose a new placement on the map. This feature should be used to give the location a more specific placement on the map that matches where your picture was taken.

Go to their profile and click the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then select block from the options menu. You can view your blocked accounts in the account privacy page in app settings.
Data and Privacy

Lattice Social uses your data to suggest new locations and users to improve your in-app experience. Unlike other social media sites, we do not sell your data to third parties.

No, Lattice Social does not currently track your location in the background. In the future, this will become an optional feature to create a better in-app experience.
Additional information

Contact our support at